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Ioana Aniţulesei

Ioana Anițulesei specializes in criminal and criminal procedure law and through her studies and experience gained in comparative law, she aims to promote an international approach to this area of law. It is a perspective that has proven to be successful in a legal system in which the judgments of domestic courts are often contradicted by those of the European courts by virtue of the treaties to which the Romanian state has acceded.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Ioana completed her academic training with a master’s degree in Criminal Science and Criminology at the same educational institution. After graduation, Ioana Anițulesei continued to study and develop her legal practice area, her articles being accepted for publication in relevant literature reference journals, such as the Criminal Law Writings, where she addressed various topics such as the principle of legality in the European criminal law or offenses related to unfair competition.

+40 264 450 124